Welcome to YieldMore.org, an organization thats all about promoting others. You may enable / SUPPORT / register existing charities, discuss Wellbeing, Homeschooling or Peer Education, join Imran's Wish Class or have us promote YOUR OWN program / initiative. Dont miss our Country Roads Initiative or Imran's Blog.
RANDOM QUOTE: Disciple: How can I know when I am enlightened?

Serenity :: Healing Resource Center

Intended as both journal and resource center, Serenity is waiting for a seasoned healer to come breathe it to life.

Engage us on Facebook: See All Groups and Topics


Serenity is the name of the Health Journal of YieldMore.org. We feature articles by our healers who post often to our facebook group. See their Videos and Events.

When we say health, we mean not only physical and emotional health, but intellectual, professional, financial, spiritual, social and environmental. A certain holism is involved in our integrated approach.

The directory exists to help YOU / YOUR FAMILY, COMPANY OR COMMUNITY grow into much healthier persons in touch with their emotions, desires and needs.

