Welcome to YieldMore.org, an organization thats all about promoting others. You may enable / SUPPORT / register existing charities, discuss Wellbeing, Homeschooling or Peer Education, join Imran's Wish Class or have us promote YOUR OWN program / initiative. Dont miss our Country Roads Initiative or Imran's Blog.
RANDOM QUOTE: Disciple: What is Ego

Amadeus Web Builder

A flat file CMS / Web Builder built by Imran in 2019 based on 15 years of experience making websites.

Engage us on Facebook: See All Groups and Topics

Welcome to the community page of the Amadeus Web Builder

Follow the instructions to setup a PHP Development environment on your local machine

download the Amadeus repository to htdocs/cs/doms/amadeus (checkout the branch: 1.1)

Additionally, you can get the yieldmore.org website by downloading to htdocs/cs/doms/yieldmore

You will then be able to run 2 websites

To see the features that have been developed, see the PPT at: