Welcome to YieldMore.org, an organization thats all about promoting others. You may enable / SUPPORT / register existing charities, discuss Wellbeing, Homeschooling or Peer Education, join Imran's Wish Class or have us promote YOUR OWN program / initiative. Dont miss our Country Roads Initiative or Imran's Blog.
RANDOM QUOTE: Disciple: What is Ego


If enough people agree to be scrutinized and be transparent, we could have a collective financial and volunteerforce target that would be best served if we pitch if together (YM / Support)

Engage us on Facebook: See All Groups and Topics

YieldMore.org is introducing the concept of DirectDonations whereby we do not collect money, but rather encourage supporters to find someone to help directly, be they a charity (NGO), an individual social worker or someone needing help.


This registration form is for those requesting support and includes a "Candid Message" where we encourage you to be as honest, realistic and direct as possible. What this means is, we want to and will build a vetting system where we endorse more actively, those with a record for openness and transparency.

Before we upload your profile to our website, we will contact you and request you to show proof of a goodwill gesture to our community. Once registered, you are welcome to post requirements, progress and details about events on our Facebook Group.

Our own "Candid Message" is that we are at beginnings - this means that we do not have many visitors but hope you like our style and spirit and that we can work together on the various causes we espouse.

We propose a system of #DirectDonations, mentioning supporters, organizations and needy people all in this one section.

Signup Here