To work out of a 60 seater hall at about 600 - 1000 sqft , we would need

* One projector & sound system
* One whiteboard, notice board + bookshelf
* 4 desks for consultants (with laptops to browse)
* 4 sets of 15 chairs that can be turned either towards the projector or in small circles (support groups)
* Healthy Snacks if possible
* A team of 6-8 to inhabit during opening hours
* One coordinator to maintain everyone's files (skills, interests, volunteer abilities etc)
- Build a community of "hosts" who have something positive to give
- Encourage "guests" to heal and develop so that they too can give back
- Plan an outreach program where volunteers are hosts, guests and from the public
- Maintain the "Emotional Favour Bank"
* A way to spread by word of mouth, posters etc
* A budget for songs, books and movies to go onto that inspire and soothe visitors.