Welcome to YieldMore.org, an organization thats all about promoting others. You may enable / SUPPORT / register existing charities, discuss Wellbeing, Homeschooling or Peer Education, join Imran's Wish Class or have us promote YOUR OWN program / initiative. Dont miss our Country Roads Initiative or Imran's Blog.
RANDOM QUOTE: Indian religion has always felt that since the minds, the temperaments...

Imran N

Imran, who now has a class with a couple of children in it

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Description: An article imploring schools to institute our Wish Class program to give their children an opportunity to let their Wishes Take Wing.

Children soak up ideas like a sponge, and can see far by "standing on the shoulders of giants" to use an expression by Sir Isaac Newton.

The best vehicle for ideas are books, movies and songs. If I have seen far, it is by virtue of the content it has been my privilege to read, watch and listen to.

We are all "wending our way to the same goal" - one of harmony and mutual good feeling. The Upanishads implore, if you know, teach. With WoW in schools, we ask our parents, teachers and facilitators to come teach what they know to our children. A wish class can be conducted by anyone who is patient and supportive and wants to interact with youngsters.

Most schools we invite are already doing wonderful work with children and break the stereotype of conventional classrooms. To those, we ask that you come forward and share your learning with the rest of the PACT Education Community. Tell us if the idea of a specialized room or center could help further the ideals upon which your institution is founded and if not, why.

In this digital age, it is conceivable for your ideas to be well documented and given to the world community. Those of you who seek earnestly to establish a wish class will be able to achieve it even all by yourself if you so choose. Do let us know how it is doing.

I hope you have already read the literature on WoW, an initiative by YieldMore.org in schools. We are not the subject matter experts, you are. We aim to play the role of catalyst, ideators and directory. Our list of educational consultants and programs is currently zero, but we do have an idea, one whose time has come. Talk to us, be our best critics and watch us rise to the challenge of making your child/ward's learning experience enjoyable.

We're newly formed and enthusiastic and determined to make a difference in our circles. Are you?

Imran, 21 April 2020