Welcome to YieldMore.org, an organization thats all about promoting others. You may enable / SUPPORT / register existing charities, discuss Wellbeing, Homeschooling or Peer Education, join Imran's Wish Class or have us promote YOUR OWN program / initiative. Dont miss our Country Roads Initiative or Imran's Blog.
RANDOM QUOTE: Indian religion has always felt that since the minds, the temperaments...

Communities and their Development

A small note on setting up comminities the yieldmore way!

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Belong to a club or a neighbourhood or an ngo? Join us at YieldMore.org where we will support you in developing a vision and activities, implementing them, addressing the needs of your every last member, bringing in people from our network to bounce ideas off and exchange learning.

Later we will find ways to work together on our education forum, skills development, parenting group, sharing of ideas through curation, social work, movements, environment, care for the elderly, school for positive thinking etc.

Legacy Communities Intro

Now we are working with ENABLER and Cascade FLS to see if any of our ideas and approaches will take hold.