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RANDOM QUOTE: Where there is joy in the heart and the person is in intimate touch with the cosmos, there poetry reigns!
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Run by a devotee of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother, kindly visit auromere.wordpress.com and links. Do note, as he says, that he is "*not* affiliated with the Sri Aurobindo Ashram in Pondicherry and this is not an official blog."

Much of our pettiness and selfishness is due to the fact that our consciousness narrowly identifies itself with our physical body. The three knots which bind us to our physicality are referred to in the ancient scriptures as the Triple Cord. When this triple cord is broken through the process of Yoga, our consciousness expands into the cosmic mind, vital and physical.

To help stimulate this widening of consciousness, Sri Aurobindo & The Mother recommended some exercises in imagination. These are a few excerpts from their commentaries on this topic. The last excerpt on this page is from Sri Anirvan who calls the practice Akasha-Bhavana (Contemplation on the Sky) and traces its roots to the Upanishads.
- AuroMere